Urban Upbound Tax Prep Provides a Second Chance

Marleny Acevedo lives in Queensbridge houses with her husband and their two children. Marleny came to Urban Upbound in need of tax preparation services. An Urban Upbound Tax preparer informed Ms. Acevedo that her family was eligible for the Earned Income Credit, Child Tax Credit and Dependent & Child Care expenses, which she received as part of her $13,200 refund.
In addition, Marleny took advantage of Urban Upbound’s financial counseling and the Credit Union services to save and manage her refund. She opened a Credit Union account for herself and her two children. After meeting with her financial counselor, Ms. Acevedo plans to use a portion of her refund to pay more than her minimum credit card payments. Also, she plans to allocate another portion of her refund to her student loan debt in order to save money on interest and to pay off the balance sooner.
One of her long-term goals is to open a day care center in this community.